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inspect4py uses ASTs, more specifically the ast module in Python, generating a tree of objects (per file) whose classes all inherit from ast.AST.

inspect4py parses each of the input file(s) as an AST tree, extracting the relevant information and storing it as a JSON file. Furthermore, it also captures the control flow of each input file(s), by using another two libraries:

  • cdmcfparser: The module provided functions can takes a file with a python code or a character buffer, parse it and provide back a hierarchical representation of the code in terms of fragments. Each fragment describes a portion of the input: a start point (line, column and absolute position) plus an end point (line, column and absolute position).

  • staticfg: StatiCFG is a package that can be used to produce control flow graphs (CFGs) for Python 3 programs. The CFGs it generates can be easily visualised with graphviz and used for static analysis. We have a flag in the code (FLAG_PNG) to indicate if we want to generate this type of control flow graphs or not. Note: The original code of this package can be found here, which has been fixed it in our repository

We also use docstring_parser, which has support for ReST, Google, and Numpydoc-style docstrings. Some (basic) tests done using this library can be found at here.

Finally, we reuse Pigar for generating automatically the requirements of a given repository. This is an optional funcionality. In order to activate the argument (-r) has to be indicated when running inspect4py.



Make sure you have graphviz installed:

sudo apt-get install graphviz

Python version

We have tested inspect4py in Python 3.7+. Our recommended version is Python 3.7.

Support in Python 3.9: We have detected that cdmcfparser has issues in Python 3.9+. Therefore the -cf command is not guaranteed in Python 3.9. All other commands have been tested successfully in Python 3.9+.

Operative System

We have tested inspect4py in Unix and MacOs.

Installation from pypi

inspect4py is available in pypi! Just install it like a regular package:

pip install inspect4py

You are done!

Installation from code

Prepare a virtual Python3 enviroment, cd into the inspect4py folder and install the package as follows:

git clone
cd inspect4py
pip install -e .

You are done!

Package dependencies:


If you want to run the evaluations, do not forget to add pandas to the previous set

Installation through Docker

You need to have Docker installed.

Next, clone the inspect4py repository:

git clone

Generate a Docker image for inspect4py:

docker build --tag inspect4py:1.0 .

Run the inspect4py image:

docker run -it --rm inspect4py:1.0 /bin/bash

Now you can run inspect4py:

root@e04792563e6a:/# inspect4py --help

For more information about inspect4py execution options, please see the usage section.

Note that when running inspect4py with Docker, you will need to need to provide a path to the target repository to analyze. You can do this by:

  1. Cloning the target repository. For example:
docker run -it --rm inspect4py:1.0 /bin/bash
# Docker image starts
root@e04792563e6a:/# git clone
root@e04792563e6a:/# inspect4py -i id
  1. Creating a volume. For example, for mounting the $PWD folder:
docker run -it -v -v $PWD:/out --rm inspect4py:1.0 /bin/bash
# Docker image starts
root@e04792563e6a:/# inspect4py -i /out/path/to/repo