
inspect4py can be executed to inspect a file, or all the files of a given directory (and its subdirectories).

For example, it can be used to inspect all the python files of a given GitHub repository (that has been previously cloned locally).

inspect4py stores by default the results in an OutputDir directory, but users can specify their own directory name by using -o or --output flags.

The framework also allows specifying if control flow figures will be generated or not. By default they will not be generated. To indicate the generation of control flow figures, the -f or --fig option should be used.

For clarity, we have added a help command to explain each input parameter:

inspect4py --help

Usage: inspect4py [OPTIONS]

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -i, --input_path TEXT           input path of the file or directory to
                                  inspect.  [required]
  -f, --fig                       activate the control_flow figure generator.
  -o, --output_dir TEXT           output directory path to store results. If
                                  the directory does not exist, the tool will
                                  create it.
  -ignore_dir, --ignore_dir_pattern TEXT
                                  ignore directories starting with a certain
                                  pattern. This parameter can be provided
                                  multiple times to ignore multiple directory
  -ignore_file, --ignore_file_pattern TEXT
                                  ignore files starting with a certain
                                  pattern. This parameter can be provided
                                  multiple times to ignore multiple file
  -r, --requirements              find the requirements of the repository.
  -html, --html_output            generates an html file of the DirJson in the
                                  output directory.
  -cl, --call_list                generates the call list in a separate html
  -cf, --control_flow             generates the call graph for each file in
                                  the target repository.
  -dt, --directory_tree           captures the file directory tree from the
                                  root path of the target repository.
  -si, --software_invocation      generates which are the software invocation
                                  commands to run and test the target
  -ast, -—abstract_syntax_tree    generates abstract syntax tree in json format.
  -sc, --source_code              generates source code of each ast node.
  -ld, --license_detection        detects the license of the target repository.
  -rm, --readme                   extract all readme files in the target repository.
  -md, --metadata                 extract metadata of the target repository using
                                  Github API.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.